Support IMMP

Your #GivingTuesday gift will support our work to protect dolphins, whales, and their ocean environment from dangers such as captivity, oil drilling, and hunting. Thank you for your generosity!

Dolphins and whales need your help! For four decades the International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) has led the way for crucial victories around the world. From Dolphin Safe tuna fishing practices that save approximately 90,000 dolphins from drowning every year, to taking on the tough dolphin slaughters in Japan, to leading the successful effort to rescue Keiko, orca star of the movie Free Willy, we don't shy away from the tough challenges.

All donations over $25 will receive a subscription to the quarterly Earth Island Journal ($40 for addresses outside the US).

Donate $100 or more, or become a Monthly Sustaining Donor of $10 or more, and choose to receive our official IMMP organic Cotton T-Shirt.

Donate $50 or more and choose to receive a reusable Stainless Straw Set in a cotton case.

Note: Due to a major increase in international shipping rates, we regrettably can no longer mail premium gifts outside the US.

Your support is critical to our accomplishments. Please make a tax-deductible donation today. Giving monthly is the best way to provide ongoing support.

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IMMP is a proud project of the Earth Island Institute, a non-profit, tax-exempt environmental protection organization supporting a global network of conservation action Projects working for a better world.

Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that increase the impact of your gift. See if your company will match your donation! Search your employer's name.

You may receive a follow-up email regarding our matching gift program. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. For further information or questions, please contact us.

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